The Protected Area Management Office (PAMO) of Maulawin Spring Protected Landscape (MSPL) intensifies conservation efforts through tagging and labeling of the identified priority species of flora within the ecotourism site of the protected area situated in Brgy. Sisi, Guinayangan Quezon on 20 April 2023.

Prior to tagging, PAMO staff identified and selected the ten (10) species of flora to be listed as priority species with regard to their endemicity and conservation status. Accordingly, the identified priority species were among those in the category of “Other Wildlife Species” which include Anubing (Artocarpus ovatus); Other threatened species e.g. Lanutan (Mitrephora lanutan), Duguan (Myristica philippensis); Least Concern e.g. Balete (Ficus Benjamina); Vulnerable e.g. Bolong-eta (Diospyros pilosanthera), Banga (Orania decipiens), Kalantas (Toona calantas), Magabuyo (Celtis luzonica); Data Deficient e.g. Pugahan (Caryota cumingii); and Near threatened e.g. Toog (Petersianthus quadrialatus).

The installation ensued after the priority species have been identified. The information tags were installed in strategic locations within the ecotourism site in order to be noticed and read by the tourists and visitors entering the said protected area. Thus, will draw public awareness and impart basic knowledge of the importance of these priority species. The installed information tags measure 25cm x 40cm and contain relevant information including the nomenclature data, conservation status, and species use.

Priority species are reflective of a key threat across ecosystems, such that the conservation of the species will significantly contribute to a broader threat mitigation outcome. Focusing on the conservation efforts of these priority species has the added benefit of indirectly conserving other species that share the same habitats or are vulnerable to the same threats.

MSPL is known as home to numerous wildlife, hence conservation and preservation of its unique biophysical features are imperative to ensure sustainability and balance within the ecosystem. Maintaining an ecological balance is of crucial importance, therefore intensive monitoring is required to protect inhabiting wildlife and to allow populations to continuously thrive within the protected area.###